The owner, landsdommer Jens Hvas was executed 1536 for his collaboration with Skipper Clement, and his estate went to the Crown. The heirs kept Kaas though - and after a complicated process the old manor came to rigsr?d Niels Krag of Trudsholm (+1650), ... Arnborg kirke, Vestjylland, Ringk?bing amt. - Arnborg kirke, ca. 12 km syd for Herning Arnborg sogn, Hammerum herred, Ringk?bing amt. Den gamle bebyggelse ved Arnborg er t?t knyttet til Skjern ?, Holtu... 1 day ago ...
I asked Paul Pivec, our friend at FH Joanneum what would be the best way to move to the hotel, which is next to the railwaystation, (Bahnhof in Austrian) I've made the trip by train or taxi, unfortunately there is no tram line to ...
Do you remember the story from my old site about our Danish relatives from Hammerum? So this recipe is not at all the same! The magical fairy plate full with Kamchatka crabs, mussels, oysters, shrimps, various lobsters, etc. carefully ...